Today, boys and girls we are going to talk web sites. The reasons a potential client/customer visits a website is to legitimate the business. Customers are looking at your web site to see if your business is a real business. False sites are flooding the web. In most cases they learned about your business indirectly through advertisement of some sort whether it be mail, internet or word of mouth. Therefore, they must examine the authenticity of your business more closely. Once the potential client visits your website and sees you are a business that really exists, there are several questions they will seek to answer on your About Us web page. The following information is brought to you by a designer of ten year’s worth of experience:
1. Customer Service - Your potential customer wants to know that you will not just sell them a product, take their money and run. Or even worse, just take their money or credit card information and run. Perceived signs that your business give a certain level of customer service is:
· multiple forms of contact posted throughout the website,
· a paragraph or so addressing such topics as company mission/goals and customer service practices; and
· Customer Service policies (which is separately addressed.)
2. Professionalism - A well-designed website and well-presented company image (logo, uniform colors and text) are perceived signs of professionalism on a website. Potential clients also look at how well your website copy is written; whether correct grammar is a used and typographical error.
3. Personality - The About Us page should also have pictures of your place of business, of you and/or of your staff or members of your staff and information about you and your staff. These things will personalize your business and you will no longer be a nameless, faceless entity. It helps the customer feel at ease with you before getting down to business.
4. Policies - Policies lets the customer know that you have been in business long enough to be experienced to plan for future issues they may experience. It makes them feel at ease to know you have policies in place to address those issues. Some policies you should have in place are: privacy policy, refund policy, terms of use policy, and a customer service policy.
5. Content - On your About Us page, you should let the culture of your business or your personality be reflected in your web copy. It should include information like how you got started in the business and different aspects of your business. Writing about your business helps establish all of the points above.
Your website is a snapshot of yourself and it is important that your customers feel that a good relationship is possible. They want to know that they will receive a standard of service and quality of product. Remember that at a high level client will not go to a low level website to do business. Show yourself, your business, and your web site will pay for its self in lead generation.
I have to agree... web sites today are very important