Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Internet Marketing Tip of the Day

Looking to put distance between you and your competitors? Vlog! Yes a Blog + Video = Different. Vlogs are booming. Blogs are subscribed to every day to get news, learn trends and/or look up interesting topics. Blogs are a quick and easy way to get information.

Vlogs take it to a much more personal level. By definition, vlogs are blogs that primarily feature video shorts instead of text.

There are many benefits to vlogging, even compared to the closely related blogs. Here are a few pearls:

1. They can show the viewer something instead of going through the trouble of explaining a point with text.

2. They can be made very quickly with a web cam or hand held, and usually run anywhere for 30 seconds to 3 minutes

3. Creativity is the Key! You can just simply speak your mind or produce shorts. The sky is the limit.

4. The author’s voice is heard, literally. With body language included, the viewer can really get a since of the author's true emotions.

That’s just a taste of what you can do with vlogs.

Marketing your company or product by showing your possible clients who you are would generate leads. Letting your client get a feel for you, and feeling an attachment to your company is a massive step towards a partnership.

Take this as just one suggestion to the many attributes need to have a successful marketing campaign. Sit… Marinate… and consider all options. Picking the right marketing methods for your company will make or break you in today’s market.

Here are some vlogs that I like:





Good Luck!

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