Tuesday, Chris Perry posted an article “Why Social Media Isn’t Living Up to the Hype (Yet)” that takes a stance that companies are not social by nature.
He stated “as social media gains momentum, brand communicators are experimenting en masse with these new technologies and connections to get their jobs done, typically coming at it from an advertising, interactive or PR perspective. “
Agreed. This is what social media, as far as companies go, should be used for. Finally, a way to connect with our clients on a none threaten and common level.
Perry goes on to pose a question “But what if social media and its inherent benefits are so revolutionary, so potentially game-changing, that it takes time for people to figure out how to best use them? More fundamentally, what if organizational silos and constraints limit its potential to address a new brand-building equation?”
Don’t let it happen. If we (Business) embrace this medium, a revolution will begin. Unfortunately it is understood that people do not like what they don’t understand. But, friends, don’t think of Facebook and Twitter as a method to sell, sell, sell. Think of it as a way to gain the trust of the community in an era that trust has fallen by the wayside. We need to understand that the public needs to trust us to do business with us and in today’s climate we need to use every method possible to regain that trust.
The rest of this wonderful article can be found on Ad Age. Tell us what you think