Social Media is not only effective to “grow your brand,” but is used for advancing the reputations and careers of executives, owners and managers alike. Customers love the ability to interact directly with these business people. Paradoxically, the singular common complaint that I have heard is the demand of time. So how do you benefit from social media marketing?
You must optimize one's efficiency of the process. The crucial aspect is that you are truthful with your audience. The social media marketing plan must be a part of your overall public relations plan for your business. Determining where to conduct online social networking and social media marketing requires 20-30% of the time spent each week on an optimal program. This can be delegated to a consultant or other highly trained team member to save time.
All the content must be original work of the business or management. We all remember the backlash that Britney Spears got when the public found that she had ghostwriters for her social networking interactions. This doesn't mean that you have to post all your interactions that is what social media consultants are for. Just make an effort to provide information that has your stamp of approval.
The aspect that takes the most time is the mechanics. This part of the process is the most dreadful for executives and management. The mechanics of posting blog entries, Twitters and social network comments requires only a bank of authentically authored content from which to draw and the knowledge of how to post that content to the appropriate sites. When the duties are delegated to an employee or consultant operating in accordance with a well-defined strategic plan and clear ethical guidelines, the business is freed up to manage while satisfying the customers desire for online social interactions.
Social Media is a wonderful way to gauge how you are seen in your community and what you can do to better your standing. It is encourage that all business owners engage in social media marketing. Social media is here to stay. Honestly, a few sites might fall by the way side, but social media is solid. If you have any questions please find us on Facebook or Twitter.